Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con offers our complete programming schedule, featuring 3 days of panels from June 29, 30, and July1. Just as the scope of Amazing Comic Con has been expanding in recent years, showcasing a fusion of fan interests with Media Guests, Anime, Video Games, and more, Comic Book entertainment remains a key. We are thankful to Collider for their partnership in our programming events, and look forward to Live Presentations of their popular streaming shows such as Collider Heroes, and Collider Movie Talk and more.
There is something for everyone at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con. Be sure to check the weekend events HERE.
AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is Nevada’s premiere pop culture Fan Fest, taking place June 29, 30, and July 1. The event returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center bigger than ever before, a fusion of the very best creators and pop personalities in the world, added with local favorites from the Las Vegas Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay.
Tickets are available NOW with Single Day Admissions, Full 3Day Passes, and Special VIP Premiums available. You can purchase your admission tickets HERE .
Also remember-
Kids 10 & Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing LAS VEGAS Comic Con!