Amazing Comic Conventions believes that the best Pop Culture begins with the best comics. From the start, our events showcase the best creators- the ACHITECTS OF POP CULTURE. These are the individuals that create the characters we love, the storylines we follow, and inspire the movies we watch, the toys we collect, the gear we buy…
Amazing Comic Con welcomes to Las Vegas perhaps the greatest comic penciler ever to work in our field, a hall of fame talent- NEAL ADAMS.

Neal Adams has been featured extensively on AMC’s Comic Book Men, and Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics. He has worked for virtually every key publisher from the Silver Age to the Present. He broke in with Archie, transitioned to the Warren Horor Magazines such as Creepy and Vampirella, and did completed substantial runs at Marvel and DC before creating his independent label with Continuity. His art style was a fusion of Photo Realism, with the dynamics of Super Hero splash.

Neal Adam’s key work from Marvel Comics include X-Men, Avengers Kree-Skrull War, introducing Killraven in the pages of Amazing Adventures.
From DC Comics, Neal immediately came to prominence on reviving Deadman. On Batman, he modernized the Dark Knight character transitioning away from slapstick antic of the tv show. Through his runs he co-created the Man-Bat as well as Ra’s Al Ghul, and supporting characters such as Talia, providing an edgier rogues’ gallery. He also updated Two Face, and Joker into lethal adversaries.

Under Neal Adam’s reigns he transofrmed Green Lantern into the most socially relevant title, adding Green Arrow to the mix. They tackled issues such as racism, overpopulation, pollution, and drug abuse. Adam’s artwork also graced titles such as Superman, Teen Titans, and MANY more. A personal favorite of Neal Adams is his SUPERMAN vs MUHAMMAD ALI.

In modern/present times, Neal Adams continues to produce top work: from Batman: The Odyssey, Avengers, X-Men, and Deadman. Neal also has been a major cover artist for top exclusives including DC Metal, Dark Knight, and more.
As a Special Bonus, two additional artists will be going Neal Adams at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con: Buzz and Joel Adams.
Buzz is a comic book artist known for his work on JSA, ATOMIKA, VAMPIRELLA, LUNA, X-FACTOR, IMPULSE, and many more.
A very popular and sought after commission artist among the art collectors and the comic-book convention circuit.
Buzz is also a multi-EMMY award winning commercial artist who has worked with CBS, FOX, Los Angeles LAKERS and The United States Marine Corp. Buzz is currently working with Comic art legend Neal Adams on several special projects for DC comics and more
Joel Adams broke into comics during the Continuity Studios era, working on titles such as Bucky O’Hare, Ms Mystic, and more. In his career, he has worked extensively in commercial design for brands such as Marvel, Power Rangers, Harry Potter and more. Fans will recognize Joel’s work on the character designs for animated HULK, and the emmy award tv series “King of the Hill".
Neal Adams, with Buzz and Joel Adams, will be appearing at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con June 29, 30, and July 1. They will be on hand to meet the fans, sign books, and take photos. Look for exclusive prints and more for sale. To Pre-Book Art Commissions from Neal, please go to spyda@spydacreations.com
For Updates on Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con, please continue to check back on our official website and through our social media channels:
Instagram @AmazingComicCon
AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is Nevada’s premiere pop culture Fan Fest, taking place June 29, 30, and July 1. The event returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center bigger than ever before, a fusion of the very best creators and pop personalities in the world, added with local favorites from the Las Vegas Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay.
Tickets are available NOW with Single Day Admissions, Full 3Day Passes, and Special VIP Premiums available. You can purchase your admission tickets HERE.
Also remember-
Kids 10 & Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing LAS VEGAS Comic Con!