LAS VEGAS’s favorite Pop Culture Fan Fest is the Amazing Comic Con, kicking off the summer June 29, 30, and July 1. The longest running Comic Con event of its kind in State of Nevada, you will find the very best in Entertainment, Comics, Cosplay, Video Games and more at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con!

Featured in Las Vegas is talent making their very first appearance at an AMAZING COMIC CON event- AMANDA CONNER and JIMMY PALMIOTTI. This wife-husband team are primarily responsible for the explosion of HARLEY QUINN on the Pop Culture scene since they launched her book with the DC52, Rebirth, and numerous mini series and specials. Other collaborations include fan favorite runs on POWER GIRL and STARFIRE at DC Comics, and their creator owned THE PRO from Image Comics. The couple also collaborated on BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE.

Additional Work from Jimmy Palmiotti includes launching the Marvel Knights imprint with Joe Quesada. Writing stints include Deadpool, Punisher, Daughters of the Dragon, and more for Marvel Comics, and a lengthy run on Jonah Hex for DC.

Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are set to appear at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con June 29, 30, and July 1. They will be available for autographs and more on the convention floor, and will be active in the 2018 programming as well. Please continue to check back with our website for more details. Both Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti - and their extensive bodies of work- will be further spotlighted on this website in the coming weeks.

While Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con will be opening our doors this June, tickets will be on sale starting on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. This will be your very first chance to purchase single day tickets, full 3day event passes, and the limited VIP Premium Packages. Tickets will sell out, and we urge fans to get in early. Details and pricing will be posted soon.
Keep checking the official Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con site for event updates. Also be sure to follow us on social media channels:
Instagram @AmazingComicCon
Also remember-
Kids 10 & Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con!