Hot on the heels from last week’s standing room only celebration in Orange County, Rob Liefeld takes his EXTREME STUDIOS 25th ANNIVERSARY TOUR to 2017 Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con! Rob Liefeld is a comic book legend. He is best known as the creator of the DEADPOOL, CABLE, DOMINO, X-FORCE and more for Marvel Comics. He is one of the FOUNDERS of IMAGE COMICS, where his Extreme Studios launched YOUNGBLOOD, BRIGADE, BLOODSTRIKE, and dozens more.

Rob Liefeld will be at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con throughout the weekend of June 23-25. He will be accompanied by Alumni creators of Extreme Studios. “Marat Mychaels (BRIGADE), Dan Fraga (BLOODSTRIKE) and Jeff Matsuda (KABOOM) are staples of the Extreme Studios legacy along with Rob, and we are thrilled they are making their first convention appearance together in over 20 years at Amazing Vegas Comic Con!!”, says organizer Jimmy Jay.

At Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con, Liefeld will be selling the Limited Edition Extreme Anniversary Tour Book, as well as exclusive editions for DEADPOOL BAD BLOOD Original Graphic Novel, CABLE #1, and other variants. Liefeld will be meeting the fans throughout the weekend during signing sessions, and appearing on weekend panels as well. Big crowds are expected, and Liefeld will be offering an Special DEADPOOL EXTREME FAN PACKAGE with signature fast pass directly through his website at . AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is Nevada’s premiere pop culture event, taking place June 23-24-25, 2017. The event returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center bigger than ever before with the very best creators and pop personalities in the world, with local favorites from the Las Vegas Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay. Tickets for Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con are ON SALE NOW. Single Day Tickets, Full 3day Admission, and a Limited Number of VIP Packages are still available . Kids 10 and Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con!