AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is the #1 destination for family fun in Las Vegas this June. While everyone scrambles to play the new Pokemon GO update, Amazing Comic Con thought it would be perfect time to announce our newest guest to Las Vegas-
POKEMON’s Original Voice Actor for ASH- VERONICA TAYLOR headlines Kid’s Day Festivities at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con.

Veronica Taylor is a classically trained actor who has become a a staple of Saturday morning cartoons for some time. She is best known for her roles of Ash and May on POKEMON, Aprile O’Neil on TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, Sailor Pluto from SAILOR MOON, and many other favorites including many other Anime and Video game credits. You can follow her on Facebook (The Veronica Taylor), and Twitter (@TheVeronicaT) and at
Veronica Taylor appears at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con, courtesy of Galactic Productions. She is scheduled to appear on each of the 3 days of the Comic Con on Friday Saturday and Sunday, June 23-24-25. She will be appearing on panels, meeting the fans, and overseeing the real life POKEMON COMIC CON GO game on the floor. Autograph and Photo Ops will be available, with pricing and further details released soon.
AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is Nevada’s premiere pop culture event, taking place June 23-25, 2017. The event returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center bigger than ever before with the very best creators and pop personalities in the world, with local favorites from the Las Vegas Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay.
Tickets for AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON will go on sale later in February. Single Day Tickets, Full 3 Day Admission, a limited number of VIP Options will be available.
Kids 10 and Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con!